Safeguarding and Child Protection

If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, or if you are a child who is being maltreated, you can report it to

Child Protection

Paragon International School Cambodia (Paragon ISC) believes that every child and youth is precious and deserves to grow up in a safe and supportive environment. All children and youth should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential in both an academic and social sense. Therefore, Paragon ISC is committed to protecting children’s rights. In keeping with the School’s core values and mission statement, it has created the Safeguarding Policy (SP) which establishes internal measures to prevent and respond to child abuse, make child safeguarding an organisational priority and a shared responsibility for all stakeholders, and act as the guiding literature.

Student Wellbeing

The well being of students is essential to us and we ensure that children are nurtured in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. Paragon ISC is committed to helping each student fulfil his or her academic, social and physical potential. Everything in our school has been designed to create an orderly and distraction-free environment in which all students are able to learn effectively and pleasantly.

The Student Welfare department practices a range of services including developmental, preventative and remedial measures which encompass all the curricula, activities and support staff directed at meeting the social and personal needs of students. All members of staff, as well as parents, have a continuing role in student wellbeing.

Here, at Paragon ISC, we provide not only high-quality education but tremendous pastoral care and safeguarding

Head of Welfare