កម្មវិធី Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing

Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing offers a variety of admissions tests for university-level courses, including assessments in thinking skills and behavioral styles.

Through our center, candidates have the option to register for the following examinations:

– BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test)
– Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA)
– MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)
– the University of Oxford admissions tests (CAT, Oxford ELAT, HAT, MLAT, OLAT, PAT, TSA, Philosophy test)

In 2023, all tests will be conducted in a paper-based format, and it’s important to note that all tests are scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 18. Registration for these tests will open on September 1 and will close on Friday, September 29 at 17:00 (BST). It’s crucial to adhere to the deadline as late entries will not be accepted.

To complete your registration, kindly contact us via email at examsofficer@paragonisc.edu.kh or reach us by phone at +855 (0)96 7555 9262.

For comprehensive information about these tests, please refer to the test-taker information on the Admissions Testing website.